For anyone who travels for paintball or just likes to keep your gear secure and organized on the way to and from the field, Valken has introduced a new line of Phantom Gear bags & cases. A large rolling gear bag, a travel duffel, a travel backpack and an entire line of protective cases that works in conjunction with the gear bags. The cases are actually designed to fit into individual compartments on the rolling gear bag. The new phantom gear bag collection is designed to work together as a system while traveling to help you keep your gear protected and as organized as possible. This premium collection is built for the player and built to last.
- Fleece lined sunglasses pocket, doubles with a quick-access catch-all pocket
- External loop panel to customize the bag with your favorite patches
- External side laptop access (up to 15”)
- Internal iPad and documents pockets
- Dual stretch mesh water bottle pockets
- Mobile office organizer accommodates pens, back up batteries, hard drives and a quick key clip
- 3M reflective logo prints.